We carry the full range of Brilliance tanning lamp compatible replacements.

Brilliance high and low pressure sun tanning lamps are made to the highest standard of construction and can be used in many applications. With FDA compatibility Signature Series can be used as a low cost replacement lamp for your tanning beds original equipment. Made in Hungary by Lightsources this line of lamps achieves excellent tanning results at a lower cost versus many other brands of similar lamps. Tanning Buyers Group is a direct shipper of this lamp and you can buy them HERE.

As industry leaders, we take our responsibilities seriously and produce our lamps under the highest quality standards that include continuously developing and implementing environmentally-friendly technologies and green business practices. By employing a large research and development team both in the U.S. and Europe, we are able stay in the forefront of new tanning lamp technologies and respond quickly to emerging trends and new international standards. Clients benefit from the size of our operations, as it gives us the ability to provide convenient services such as just-in-time inventory, flexible supply, and reduced transportation costs. One example of the strength of our operations is we are able to produce both soft glass and quartz glass in a matter of days you can buy them HERE.

Brilliance Tanning Lamp 100 Watt

Brilliance Tanning Lamp 120 Watt

Brilliance Tanning Lamp 140 Watt

Brilliance Tanning Lamp 160 Watt

Brilliance Tanning Lamp 180 Watt

Brilliance Tanning Lamp 200 Watt